PROLOGUEAfter 50 days in another country, it's time to start updating ppl what's going on. I reckon my blog's been dead for the past 2 months, plus the fact that this is my first time accessing it since i'm in the UK. Firstly, thank you those farewell greeting cards and touching but funny msgs in it, specially qianhui's Ferrari car illustration. Well, here are the highlights of the events for the past 2 months.


The gang, with me the most formal guy that gave everyone a shock
Nottingham at a glance; Trent Building (with clocks on 4 sides, unlike only 2 in Msia)

Outside West Entrance, before heading to city
First few weeks in the UK was paradise. Since we couldn move into Broadgate, all of us stayed temporarily in HughStewart Hall for the 1st week while at the same time settling all the registration etc. Lots of events were organised by ISB. For starters, it was not a bad experience; paid 5 pounds to a Barn dance which was one hell of fun but exhausting and another 5 quid to enter the best nightclub in Nottingham; OCEANA. The Uk night life has officially encrypted into my DNA at that moment.
Basically that was highlights of first week. And yeah, it was time to move to Broadgate Park. Managing my luggage wasn't that easy as I still needed to drag extra yards to my 'deserted' apartment, plus the fact my flat was the highest floor. Besides, I am the only room without any mirrors; luckily i'm a guy though. Girls must be screaming if they get up everyday and can't see themselves in the mirror.

With Hao and YingYie at Oceana

Before moving

My room
As for 2nd week, it was Freshers' Fayre, so no lectures the entire week. The atmosphere was nowhere the same as compared to ordinary Recruitment Drive. Lots of free food, free stuffs and useless brochures as well. It was rather disappointing since I only signed up a few like Nottingham Malaysian Society (regretted now) and MAgic. But eventually, I gave up my involvement in the latter. However, it is a good thing course after 50days, there is absolutely no time to get involved in so many extra curricular stuffs.. YEAR 2 here is indeed TOUGH..

At BBQ Lunch with several other locals (Nv seen around them until now)

Me n Jacey (5 ft 7" is not tall ok)

Outside Trent overlooking lake
ALTON TOWERS ( LATE SEPT)Just me and hao, 2 lonely guys. It wasn't really a good day since we experienced on and off light showers throughout the day. We got on to the 4 most challenging rides and one word says all >> AWESOME!!!! The 4 rides rating from the most scary down the order are
Rita and finally the most relaxing one,

Vertically down "Oblivion"

The aftermath.....

I am tall enough

The Nemesis Climax

0-100kph in 2.5 seconds with...4.7 G-force. [ we sat in front anyway]
NOTTINGHAM GOOSE FAIR (4th-8th Oct)An annual fun fair that comes only to Nottingham. It was impossible to miss. However, we hardly spent 2 hours thanks to NMS who only departed to the fair at half past seven. I was somehow persuaded by my housemates to go for this ride called Tango. It looked scary from below and indeed I was right; much much horrifying than those 4 extreme rides in Alton Towers. The main reason is because of its random rotation up in mid-air. We were literally being rotated in all angles even upside down positions up above. I thought i would've thrown out but fortunately not! Nevertheless, that £2.50 ride was worth it. My overall spendings went to most of the booth games which seemed more like a night robbery. But thank goodness I got something in return; a cute fat cow and Greedy Graham doll, mainly from a darting game.

Topsy-turvy Tango

The big happy family..[TV trevor-the blue underwear guy on both sides belong to Yie and Han with Greedy Graham in the middle]...Cute cows rite???
Managed to organise myself a short weekend trip before getting more hectic. Sitting alone in a train for 3 and half hrs to Liverpool wasn't that easy to cope with, plus the fact that I almost missed the train from Notts to Liverpool due to a delayed transit from Beeston to Notts. Upon reaching, greeted by my 'long lost cousin' and was immediately brought to several clubs in city centre. Thanks to him, all my liquors and beers were paid. That was the very first night i got myself drunk partially thanks to my cousin(alex). Next morning, we took a day trip to Manchester. It wasn't my intention of going so early but since it's just 45 mins by train from Liverpool. And yes...Old Trafford was a definite stop! I bought a 55 pound jersey with my name inprinted on it. Other than that, just a walk within the citycentre and we had buffet dinner in a chinese restaurant for 6 quid. A day's trip in Manchester certainly won't be enough. By sunset, we took the train back which didn't occur to us that it was heading to Blackpool (2 hours from Liv). We realised earlier and alighted at Preston. Then, took a connection bus to Wigan which eventually back to Liv. A short 45 mins trip turned into a 3 hour long journey back instead.

Liverpool Lime St [Got caught by an officer actually for taking pics, lols. Possible fear of terrorism]

Alex, me and his friend Susan; Still not drunk yet

Yummy Ho's Bakery that sells 'Yau Char Guai'

The Hard Rock Cafe in Manchester

City centre Fountain

Love all the cheese but why didn't I buy any??

Theatre of Dreams

MU Megastore

Me and the Tram Driver

I forgot the name of this building


Famous Gay Street in Manchester; CANAL STREET

The Liverpool radio station

The Parliment and several government buildings

At Albert Docks, Liverpool

A museum that you need 3 days to explore it entirely.

That was up to 2nd day. Last day, we went to the 'famous' Albert docks. But before that, a short detour to Anfield. The place and location of the stadium is totally out of my expectation. It was nothing but arowdy neighbourhood, identical to Cheras. It was a windy and blustery day. For the first time I felt cold eversince I was here! Nevertheless, it was a breathtaking scenery overlooking the other side of the mainland. It was glad having my cousin being my tour guide those 3 days, besides the fact that he helped in building up my alcohol tolerance. HAHA
Julie's Birthday
It is someone's birthday and yes, why not a sumptuous meal at a fine Italian dining restaurant. Well the guys are basically my housemates while the girls are her housemates. Three of her flatmates are from China while the other two are Hongkies. So you would pretty much guess who they are.

The rose wine was a great combination with our main course. Price wise, it was
only £20 per person. After the dinner, we proceeded our evening event to a church-like bar. The interior was spectacular considering it wasn't a sin to convert a religious vicinity into an alcohol centre.
L-R: L.J, Me, Ky, Aik KuangAll the guys are my BGP coolest flatmates. L.J is a MSc E&E student from Beijing, China who previously did his BEng in Leicester. With his PS2 around, he is my source of entertainment. Ky on the other hand is a British [BBC] from London pursuing his 4th Year in Pharmacy and being regarded as the most good-looking guy among us. The final one, yes, another 'kaki-lang'; Aik Kuang who hails from Seremban doing his 3rd Year Mech Engineering. Formerly from UNIM, he is a very nice and helpful but somehow always being very secretive about his whereabouts and affairs whenever we ask him. Basically, I am the youngest amongst them and am glad to have their guidance from time to time.
HOOTERS' (20th Oct)
IT was the Matlab/Simulink Coursework Submission Day and we have decided to reward ourselves with some very special dinner. So we, the four of us immediately headed to one of a kind restaurant bar, HOOTERS; well known for big boobs with tank tops waitresses. Hooters is famous for its spicy chicken wings and that meal was undoubtedly the best I had so far.

A typical 'Hot Hooter waitress' [Too bad it was taken only the top half]
By far the best Fireworks show which lasted for almost quarter of an hour. It was held at Forest Ground, same place as when the Goose Fair was held.


Organised under our Biotechnology module, it was our first so called 'educational trip' to a beer brewery in Burton, south of Notts. Also known as a town famous for making beer. The entire visit was merely 45 minutes and the rest of the period was practically free and easy.

At the Brewery Museum

Just 'sampat' around; that guy is not real btw~

Obviously, a brewery surely have its own bar. We shared a pint of cold beer which was chilled as low as -2 degrees. Generally after pouring, a layer of ice is seen on the surface of it. Tasted great, though I personally think it's more or less like any other beer. HAHA, I speak as if I were an expert.
That is technically what happened for the past 50 days....Yes..Hopefully I have more time to spend in updating it.....